Dr. Michael D. Fortun NMD, MD-(Acu)

Dr. Fortun is a Registered/Board Certified Naturopathic Practitioner, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner and the owner of Urban Living Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic. He is also a Resident Doctor at Panchrest Wellness Clinic.

His love and passion of Natural Medicine began during childhood when he personally observed his grandfather take care of sick people in their community, using the traditional treatment using local herbal plants as medicine, without expecting monetary return. His humanitarian acts had a big impact on my life.

In College, Dr. Fortun took up his Pre-Med course in one of the leading Medical Schools in the region. After that he continued his dream of becoming a Natural Medicine Practitioner, so he pursued his Bachelors in Naturopathy, Yogic Science and Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (Naturopathy). Later, he added Clinical Acupuncture to his practice and obtained the Doctor of Medicine in Acupuncture.

Dr. Fortun joined the Fellowship on Acupuncture/Natural and Alternative Medicine through The Royal Institutions/Higher Education Singapore and they awarded him the Grade-Fellow Royal Institute of Acupuncture (FRIAcu), Fellow Royal Institute of Natural Medicine (FRINMD) and Fellow Royal Institute of Alternative Medicine (FRIAMD).

In addition to his many educational accomplishments, he spends time serving his community as a volunteer at the National Center for Geriatric Health, to promote proper care and pain management for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s; using Natural Medicine Modalities and Acupuncture.

Dr. Fortun is the Honorary President of the Royal Institute of Natural Medicine in Manila Philippines to help unite natural medicine practitioners in the community, promote wellness in every home and to teach people how to take care of Mother Nature. He sponsors tree planting activities and encourages the planting of herbal plants in backyards. He is an advocate for optimizing wellness and using preventive strategies – sharing this knowledge through the many lectures and seminars he teaches; as well as a radio program where he is a weekly health awareness guest, helping disseminate information about the uses/efficacy of herbal plants and to avoid the use of synthetic drugs. His philosophy is: “As one community, we can help each other live harmoniously with Nature.”